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「KubeDay Japan 2024」に藤兼由生が登壇いたします

2024年8月27日(火)に開催される「KubeDay Japan 2024」に、藤兼由生が登壇いたします。なおサイバーエージェントは本カンファレンスのゴールドスポンサーを務めます。カンファレンス会場では、当社スポンサーブースを設置し、PipeCDチームや社内ユーザとディスカッションする場を設けております。またデモやチュートリアルもお見せできますので、参加予定の方々は、ぜひサイバーエージェントブースまでお立ち寄りください。


August 27, 2024 10:40 - 11:10 JST

Our Journey from in-House CD System to Open Source

We will share our challenging journey of providing a Continuous Delivery (CD) system as an in-house infrastructure, and subsequently releasing it as open source. We will delve into why we decided to offer a CD system within our organization, and the actual initiatives we undertook to achieve this. These initiatives include offering a control plane as an in-house SaaS, enriching in-house support, conducting in-house Office Hours, and finally, making it public as an open source software. We will also highlight the unique strategies and innovations that we implemented during this process. This talk will provide valuable insights for those who are considering similar initiatives, and it will also help to enrich the ecosystem by sharing our experiences and lessons learned.