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「KubeCon+CloudNativeCon North America 2023」に岩井佑樹、カーン・チャンが登壇いたします

2023年11月6日(月)~9日(木)にかけてシカゴで開催される「KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2023」に、 CyberAgent group Infrastructure Unit(CIU)の岩井佑樹と、Developer Productivity室(DP室)のカーン・チャンが登壇いたします。なお期間中は、先日Cloud Native Computing Foundation(CNCF)のSandboxプロジェクトに採択された、継続的デリバリーシステム「PipeCD」がブース出展を行います。

■KubeCon + CloudNativeConとは
KubeCon + CloudNativeConは、CloudNative技術全般やその中心技術であるKubernetesに関する世界最大規模のカンファレンスです。今年は2023年11月6日(月)から9日(木)にかけてシカゴおよびオンラインで開催されるハイブリッドイベントです。

November 6 • 10:25am - 10:50am(America/Chicago)

岩井佑樹(CIU)、アルド・カルキコンドル(Google シニア  ソフトウェア エンジニア)

Batch Systems in Production with Kueue: Multi-Tenancy and Fungibility

Kueue is a could-native job scheduler with which you can build a multi-tenant batch system on a Kubernetes cluster. Kueue implements job queueing, deciding when jobs should wait and when they should start, based on quotas, priority and a hierarchy for sharing heterogeneous resources among teams. Kueue works on prem and in autoscaled environments in the cloud. In this talk, you will learn about Kueue’s architecture and extensibility to support a variety of workloads. You will also learn how Kueue is used in production in self-managed clusters, serving multiple machine-learning researchers, MLOps Engineers and data scientists. Kueue provides fair use while maximizing the utilization of accelerators and other resources, through its borrowing and preemption mechanisms. Kueue is used with frameworks like DeepSpeed, PyTorch, the kubernetes Job, RayJob, Jupyter, etc.


November 8 • 5:25pm - 6:00pm(America/Chicago)


What and Why PipeCD for Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Applications Deployments

Delivering applications in hybrid and multi-cloud environments can be challenging for any DevOps team. With so many different applications and infrastructures to manage, it's essential to have a unified and efficient interface that can handle the complexities of modern application development. In this presentation, we introduce PipeCD - the CD tool that focuses on simplicity and efficiency. Based on our team's experience building CI/CD flows for over 3000 applications running in our company system, you'll explore how PipeCD can help you overcome the challenges of delivering applications in hybrid and multi-cloud environments. You'll learn how to build an effective CI/CD flow with PipeCD, and we'll share insights and best practices for successful implementation based on our experience. Join us to learn how PipeCD can simplify your CD process and help you deliver high-quality applications faster and more efficiently.


Place: Project Pavilion (all times listed in CST)
November 7: 10:30 am – 8:00 pm(America/Chicago)
November 8: 10:30 am – 5:00 pm(America/Chicago)
November 9: 10:30 am – 2:30 pm(America/Chicago)