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AI at CyberAgent

AI Technologies for Retail

The Digital Transformation (DX) is changing the landscape of retail industry with the emerging technologies such as digital flyers, digital shop signage, and AI cameras. Our experiences and insights in the digital world creates brand-new customer experience that seamlessly blend the digital and real world, and solves social challenges.

Accelerating DX with AI technologies in the Retail Industry

Our R&D team aims at delivering an exceptional customer experiences in ways only possible at stores that mixing the digital and real world using AI technologies.

AI Technologies and Purchasing Behavior

Attracting Customers

Customer Acquisition

Our R&D team has been developing personalised ad delivering algorithm with AI-enhanced prediction and automated personalized map generating system.

Predictive Algorithm for Customer Visits

Machine Learning

Statistical Test


Demand Forecasting

Uplift Modelling

Traffic Steering/Shop Browsing

Maximizing Foot Traffic and Dwell Time

We conduct in-store traffic analysis on data from AI cameras and beacons, and develop ad delivery platform for digital signages. We study advertising contents for digital signages that maximizing foot traffic into stores, in-store traffic and dwelltime.

Image Recognition

Machine Learning

Deep Learning

Causal Inference

Typical Products Utilizing AI Technology

AIRTRACK CA Retail MarketingCA Linkミライネージ

AI for Robot

Focusing on conversational agents as the next-generation advertising medium in digital marketing, we are researching the use of humanoid robots in remote service encounters and advertising media. In a joint research group with Osaka University, we are also conducting several proof-of-concept experiments whose goal is to save labor in shops and boost advertising effectiveness.

Robot Service Division



Virtual Agent

Speech Recognition

Behavioral Recognition

Dialogue System

AI Consulting

Support for Introducing AI in the Medical Field

DX is now required in the medical industry due to changes in the law. In addition to online medication advice and promotion of DX initiatives at drugstores and pharmacies, CyberAgent utilizes its AI, blockchain and other technologies while providing comprehensive support covering data management and monetization at every stage from recommending solutions to operation and practical implementation.


Support for Introducing AI in Various Industries

DX Opportunity Center, a consolidated subsidiary of the company, works with over 30 AI technology partners to provide comprehensive project support for companies facing issues in introducing AI such as a lack of resources, or those who simply wish to introduce it as soon as possible. This support covers every aspect from identifying project issues to planning, requirement definition, model implementation, and operation.


Example of Support for Introducing AI

Tailored to each industry's unique challenges, we propose solutions for introducing AI in retail and various other industries. In the retail industry, AI technology is primarily used for 'demand forecasting-based product inventory prediction,' 'shift optimization,' 'image recognition-based defective product detection on manufacturing lines,' and 'sales management.'