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Advertising Guideline

CyberAgent supplies advertisement products in the form of “native advertisements” as defined by the Japan Interactive Advertising Association (JIAA) on “Ameba” and other media we operate.

As the corporate member of the JIAA, we have set up the screening standards based on JIAA’s “Guidelines for Native Advertisements” in order to run wholesome services as well as protecting the welfare of the readers, as well as having our own guidelines to examine the advertisements, and to display the credits to distinguish the advertisements clearly.

To read more about advertising policies on "Ameba," please click the link. (Japanese) 

Native advertisement products supplied by CyberAgent

1. In-feed Advertisements

2. Article Tie-up Advertisements 

Tie-up Advertisements

- "PR" should be displayed on top of the article

- Advertisement body should be displayed on top of the article

- "PR" should be displayed in the article title or on the list of articles
“Native Advertisement Guidelines”

In-feed Advertisements

- "PR" or "AD" should be displayed within the advertisement frames