Disclosure Policy
Basic policy for disclosure
CyberAgent, Inc. ( the "Company") will swiftly provide shareholders and investors with information while emphasizing transparency, fairness. The Company will disclose information under the timely disclosure regulations specified by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Simultaneously, the Company provides prompt and proactive disclosure of material information that is not subject to the timely disclosure regulations, which could influence investors' investment decisions.
Method for disclosing information
According to the rules, the Company discloses the information subject to the timely disclosure regulations on the Tokyo Stock Exchange website through the timely disclosure network (TDnet). The released information, as well as the information that is not subject to the timely disclosure regulations, will be uploaded to the Company's investor relations website to inform investors accurately and equally.
Timely Disclosure system

Investor Relations Activities
Representative Director Susumu Fujita, Director Go Nakayama, and four members of the investor relations team are actively involved in discussion with domestic and international shareholders, investors, and analysts. IR & SR department include website operating function which commits investor website development, video content “IR channel,” and CyberAgent web media “CyberAgent Way” for information publishing.
Please submit your question regarding investor information using the form below.
Forward-looking statements
We may provide earnings forecasts in addition to the earnings forecasts we file with the Tokyo Stock Exchange, where we are listed. Also, news releases, earnings presentations, question-and-answer sessions at analyst meetings, etc., may contain information about our plans, prospects, strategies, etc. The information the Company publishes is based upon the currently available information, which involves risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove accurate or achieved, as actual results may differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.
Quiet Period
In order to prevent the leakage of important corporate information and ensure fairness, we have a quiet period "from two weeks before the end of the fiscal quarter to the earnings release day" as a general rule. In this period, the Company refrains from answering questions regarding our results and giving relevant comments. However, this does not apply to the occurrence of material events that we believe will have a significant impact on the investment decisions of investors, even during this period.