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CyberAgent provides media services that many people enjoy in response to changes in the internet age, such as ABEMA, the new future of TV that offers various content, one of the largest blog services in Japan, and dating app services.



    ABEMA is the new future of TV.
    Provided by AbemaTV, Inc.


  • Ameba

    The country’s largest blog service.


  • Pigg

    Metaverse Community “Pigg”.


  • Tapple

    Find your love by your interests on “Tapple”.
    Provided by MatchingAgent, Inc.


  • AWA

    Music streaming service that has one of the world's largest music catalog.
    Service provided by AWA Co. Ltd.



    An online betting service for Keirin (cycle races) that offer broadcasting Keirin races live and ticket purchase function.
    Service provided by WinTicket, Inc.