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Safe and Secure Dating App Service

CyberAgent Group takes the following measures with the aim of making the dating apps that we operate safe and secure for every user.

Online dating agency business registered and approved

All dating apps operated by CyberAgent Group are registered as an online dating agency.

“Tapple” by Tapple, Inc.     :    Acceptance number: 30140070009
“Koigram” by Tapple, Inc.     :    Acceptance number: 30140070011

Age verification with government issued ID

For our dating app, we accept only government-issued IDs to verify the age of users before they are permitted to use services such as message exchange, contacting features, etc.
Examples of acceptable IDs include a Driver's License, National Health Insurance Card, Employees'Health Insurance Card, Mutual Aid Association Card, Pension Handbook, Passport, Alien Registration Certificate, etc.

24/7/365 monitoring system

We operate a stringent 24/7/365 services monitoring system to detect and eliminate any users who use the service for malicious purposes.
We have also introduced a user reporting system, and promptly investigate anytime we receive reports of suspicious users. If we find that a user is in violation of our terms of service we take immediate action that including issuing a warning or canceling the user's account.

Fraud detection filter utilizing machine learning technology

"Tapple" introduced two systems which are developed using machine learning technology by CyberAgent's Media Data Tech Studio*1. It consists of a "system that automatically detects users who may be under the age of 18" and a "system that automatically detects profile images that do not meet the posting criteria."

A system that automatically detects users under the age of 18

This system uses machine learning technology to filter language typically used by young persons to achieve rapid detection of users under 18 attempting to use the service with a falsified age. A distinct advantage of this system is its ability to more accurately detect such users compared with other systems that only match keywords such as "high school student" in the posts.

A system that automatically detects profile images that do not meet posting criteria

The system uses a discriminant model that utilizes multiple deep learning algorithms to automatically approve images that meet a certain criteria. Meanwhile, images judged as possibly not meeting the criteria are manually reviewed by a monitoring operator who determines whether or not the content can be posted. This helps prevent inconsistent judgments from monitoring operators , making the detection fake profile images faster and more efficient.

*1: Media Data Tech Studio
Media Data Tech Studio is the R&D organization for CyberAgent's media business. It staffs roughly 40 engineers who specialize in large-scale data processing, data analysis, and machine learning. The lab was established in 2011 to contribute to media services and company development by practically applying the data obtained from CyberAgent's media services.

Self-imposed Guidelines of Member Groups: “Seven Promises of MSPJ”

As online spouse hunting services increased rapidly, seven companies* that offer online spouse hunting services launched “MSPJ Online Spouse Hunting Service Commission” in June 2017, to develop a safe, reliable environment of use in this field. While receiving opinions, etc. from the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and the National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan, we discussed ideal services for half a year and enacted the voluntary guidelines for services “Seven Promises of MSPJ” in February 2018.

MSPJ Online Spouse Hunting Service Commission’s efforts for boosting reliability:
Seven Promises

We hereby make and will keep the following seven promises, in order to support convenient, reliable, safe spouse hunting.

(1) More rigorous personal identification 
We aim to provide men and women who want to get married with opportunities to encounter a future spouse in an anxiety-free, safe fashion. Accordingly, we shall specify our original rules for identifying would-be users, so as to prevent the registration of false names and profiles, and exclude users who use our service for inappropriate purposes. 

(2) To check whether each user is single 
We shall increase married couples. To do so, we prohibit married people from using our service. We shall operate our system so that only those who have been confirmed as single can use our services, by designing login methods and identifying each user strictly. 

(3) Monitoring of violation of rules 
We shall develop and offer a system for constantly discovering and removing users who use our services for inappropriate purposes, in order to provide customers with a safe site that can be used without worry. 

(4) Management of a blacklist (rules for immediate removal) 
We shall make the utmost effort to maintain a reliable, safe environment for users, by minimizing the number of troubles. To do so, we shall set the rules for excluding malicious users immediately. If any violation of rules is detected, we will suspend our services or notify the violator of exclusion within 24 hours. 

(5) Sound quality standards UI/UX
We shall promote the development of sound opportunities to encounter a future spouse so that more customers can use our services without worry. To do so, we shall specify the quality standards regarding images and words used in apps, websites, and ads, and operate systems so that improper photos or words cannot be used. 

(6) Education and warning for users
We shall conduct educational activities to prevent crimes by malicious users. We shall offer “the guide for use of services” and “anti-crime education ” to less-experienced customers. 

(7) Continuous improvement of services 
We shall specify strict self-imposed regulations in response to changes in the business environment and operate them with the authentication system, in order to keep offering the spouse hunting service in a safe, anxiety-free fashion. 

"Safety Center" guidelines for safety measures released

Tapple has set up a safety guideline "Safety Center" within the app that consolidates information on safety measures of the service.
Case studies of problems commonly reported by users and a function that allows users to immediately consult with customer support via LINE phone in case of any trouble with the partner are available.

Dating app Tapple published a handbook to protecct yourself online

Tapple released a free handbook that introduces five tips with illustrations to protect yourself and safely use dating apps.