We believe it is critical to energize the organization to create a constantly evolving environment to generate innovations fitting to current times.
Through several initiatives aimed at energizing throughout the organization, we strive to strengthen cross-departmental connections, and boost engagement by improving communication quality. In addition, we also hold award ceremonies to recognize outstanding individuals, teams, and projects. These are held once every six months for the entire CyberAgent group and once a month for each division, and have resulted in increased motivation by creating an environment of friendly competition by praising each other's impressive performance and achievements.
Through efforts like these, we have fostered a culture that is highly adaptable to change and has a positive outlook on the fast-moving external environment and business lines, and organizational reforms.
CyberAgent Award
Once every half year, we hold the CyberAgent Award to recognize the most outstanding individual, team, or project from among all CyberAgent Group employees. In the past, we used to gather all employees at the venue. However, due to the increasing number of employees and the coronavirus pandemic, we have decided to invite only those nominated for awards and executives with certain grades to the venue in recent years. The rest of the employees watch the live broadcast and post comments to enliven the event.
The stage setting is carefully designed to make it a place to aim for, and the winners will receive an originally designed trophy and monetary awards. The CyberAgent Award has become an opportunity to motivate each and every employee.
Monthly Recognition
Every month, each department throughout the company also has an opportunity to present awards to individuals, teams, and projects that have performed well that month. By praising each other's accomplishments, we create an environment of friendly rivalry, which leads to stronger team performance. Also, monetary incentives are given to winners to motivate individuals.
This award system recognizes engineers and creators who are pla ying active roles in the company. Because the jobs of engineers and creators are highly-segmented, it was decided to hold this event based on suggestions to create an opportunity to recognize engineers with a more detailed focus. The event is also primarily implemented by engineers in the field.
Due to the spread of COVID-19, it was decided to hold these awards as an online event rather than the original plan to hold an in-person event. However, to capture the same level of excitement for the online awards ceremony, it was live-streamed in a TV-show-inspired format.