What is AbemaTV ?


”AbemaTV” is a new video streaming service that runs an internet TV station for free.
It launched in April 2016, and is acquiring users rapidly since then. The number of downloads surpassed 20 million* after 16 months. It focuses on original regular content or drama to increase weekly active users (WAU*) and to lead users to watch ”AbemaTV” regularly.

In this video, we show you 25 channels with various content such as news, original shows as well as functions like device compatibility, social media sharing.

*As of August 2017
**The number of users per week calculated by Google Analytics.

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“Adaptability to change drives sustainable growth of CyberAgent”
The 25th video by CyberAgent IR channel


CyberAgent's adaptability to change realizes its sustainable growth. Responding to environmental change and technological innovation, we have diversified our business and continuously expanded the revenue.

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